about us
We’re a collaborative and active group, coming together on every neighborhood project and to keep our neighborhood a fun and safe place to live.
Committee and elections
Our steering committee is voted in every two years. We just had our elections in October 2023. Right now, we have a full committee, however if someone needs to give up their seat during the two year term, we will need to fill that seat. Please reach out if you are interested in getting on the waiting list.
President – Chad Rowekamp
Vice-President – Chris Buske
Treasurer – Travis Welke
Secretary – Christine Fink
Members: Bob Carr, Liz Julian, Eric Heintz, Pete Raymond, Mike Richter, Chad Shaw, Jennifer Shaw
Facebook Pages
Our neighborhood has various Facebook pages and groups, please join them to see the latest news!
You can scan the code or click on the links below.
The Eastside Hill Neighborhood
Eastside Hill Neighborhood Garden Stand