Boyd Park ... and more
Our neighborhood is full of fun things to do, plus you never know who you are going to meet when walking across the foot bridge, playing in Boyd Park, or skating in the new skate park.

Jack the Magnificent lives on the eastside hill with this owner.
You can see them walking through Boyd park, up and down main street and around the neighborhood. He love everyone and apples!

Boyd Park
Boyd Park not only has a new skatepark, and footbridge going across the Eau Claire river, but also is home to a new playground and also the largest ice skating rink in the winter!
Thank you Up Up & Around LLC for picture.

The Eastside Hill Neighborhood has an amazing new skate park. The Eau Claire Skates Association is involved and always has something fun going on!

Anyone need reading material? Our neighborhood has 25 (and more to come) Free Libraries for you to grab a new book, or leave a book to someone else.
Here is an article by Volume one talking about the free libraries.

Our Prairie and Nature Trail is located right off the foot bridge in Boyd Park.
All plants are native and bloom all year.
Come, walk the loop and see butterflies and bees enjoying the flowers.

We are working on getting more public art in to our park.
Our basketball court, and hopefully some murals will be created in the near future.
You can check on the progress on facebook.